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Supporting Military And Entertainment

Skylaunch: The Glider Winching Experts

Supporting Military and Entertainment

Skylaunch is a renowned manufacturer of glider and sailplane winching systems, providing exceptional service and support to gliding clubs worldwide. Their winches have been instrumental in supporting military personnel and producing breathtaking action sequences for the entertainment industry.

Military Support

Skylaunch winches have become indispensable for military training exercises, allowing gliders to be launched to altitudes exceeding 2000 feet. This capability enhances pilot proficiency and prepares them for various operational scenarios.

Entertainment Industry Impact

In the entertainment realm, Skylaunch winches have been used to create awe-inspiring aerial sequences in movies and television shows. The precise control and reliability of their systems ensure safe and spectacular shots that captivate audiences.


Skylaunch's glider winching systems stand as a testament to the company's commitment to innovation, safety, and customer satisfaction. Their unwavering support for both military and entertainment industries has cemented their position as a global leader in the field.
